Linda’s face was flushed with terror as she ran around her yard in a frenzy. Her loud voice reverberated down the street, and she was carrying something in her hands. “What is this? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
Even though I watched from the safety of my window, I couldn’t help but feel a bit satisfied. I had left her a package that was doing its job.
I had meticulously wrapped an empty box in festive paper, complete with a bow, the previous evening. I was careful to write my name in bold letters on the tag. Why not give Linda something extra since she enjoyed “accidentally” removing my belongings? With the hope that she might help herself once more, I set the box outside. I placed it near my front door, where it would be easily seen.
The next night, when I got home, the box was gone, as were all the others. I was ecstatic at first. She had finally fallen for the ruse. This was the moment I had been waiting for.
I could tell it had succeeded now when I saw Linda racing wildly around her yard. Her expression said it all. She had taken something without realizing it, and it had come back to haunt her in the most dramatic way.
I pretended not to see the mayhem going on next door as I stepped out onto my front porch. * “Mission accomplished,” I texted my best friend after grabbing my phone. Linda is going crazy.
Abruptly, I heard Linda’s voice once more. This time it was a mix of anger and bewilderment. She yelled, “Why did you do this to me?!” while displaying the gift, which she had clearly opened. “What is this? It’s merely a blank box.
I maintained my cool despite the sense of vindication coursing through me. I approached my fence, leaned idly against it, and glanced at her. “Oh, Linda,” I said while attempting to hide a smile. “I suppose it’s less enjoyable when the roles are reversed. For months now, you have been stealing my packages. I thought you would like a small Christmas surprise.
She paused her pacing and gazed at the empty box for a time, her hands trembling a little. “You… you were aware of it?” She stumbled.
I laughed and answered, “Of course I knew.” “My birth was not yesterday. And when things just… “disappeared” around here, I thought you might want to experience the same emotions I did.
Her look was a mixture of embarrassment and rage as her cheeks turned a deep red. She yelled, “This is ridiculous!” “You’re going overboard. It was merely a mistake!”
“No, it was theft,” I said coolly. Additionally, I believe you’ve learnt your lesson.
A protracted hush ensued. For the first time, Linda appeared truly sorry as her gaze shifted from the box she was holding to me. As if it were a live grenade, she placed the box gingerly on the porch.
With obvious discomfort, she muttered, “I… I’m sorry.”
I gently nodded as a wave of satisfaction passed over me. “All right. I’m confident that ‘accidental’ parcel mix-ups won’t be an issue for me anymore.
She didn’t answer, but I could tell everything I needed to know from the way she stood there, shifting her weight awkwardly. After learning her lesson, she could reconsider stealing something that wasn’t hers in the future.
With my phone still in my hand, I turned and went back inside. I couldn’t help but smirk as I took another look out the window. For me, Christmas had arrived early this year.