Lilly Munro, a citizen of Melbourne, was able to save her own life thanks to the instincts of her mother. Together with her fiance, Brodie Moles, she hurried to the hospital when she became concerned that something was wrong with her unborn baby, Lennox, who was 24 weeks pregnant at the time. The doctors identified a serious problem with the heart and promptly began the process of inducing labor. A only 1.8 pounds when he was born, Lennox’s chances of survival were fifty percent.
In an effort to stabilize Lennox, the medical staff linked him to life-support tubes and placed him in a plastic bag to maintain a consistent temperature throughout his body. The heartbreaking experience that Lilly and Brodie went through was watching their little baby struggle to survive.
Lennox remained in the hospital for 111 days, during which time Brodie took care of responsibilities at home, including the care of Lilly’s three other children, while Lilly remained by Lennox’s side.
Lennox was able to defy the odds because of the hard work and dedication of the medical professionals who went “above and beyond.” Now that he is back at home, he is doing well and bringing his family a great deal of happiness. He weighs nine pounds. In spite of the difficulties, Lilly and Brodie love every time they spend with their miracle son and are thankful for the extraordinary journey he has taken from being born prematurely to recovering from his illness.