Denise’s mother, Claire, surprises Ronny on their first date. Claire’s probing questions and pricey demands reveal their actual motives over dinner. Ronny, quick-witted and unconcerned, comically turns the tables on them.
After using dating services for a while, I’ve had two bad dates. The one I’ll describe is the best!
Two weeks ago, Denise and I matched and clicked immediately. Sweet and charming, she laughs at my foolish jokes. I quickly asked her out.
We both had busy schedules, but last weekend they agreed. This hip downtown restaurant was our meeting spot.
So excited. As usual, I came early. I like to be first to make a good impression. As I waited, I noticed the subdued lighting, trendy decor, and calm discussions. Great place for a first date.
Then she entered. But she had company.
A nicely dressed elderly woman with a steel-cutting glare stood next to her. My heart fell.
“Hi, Ronny! Claire, my mother! Denise grinned.
“Hi, nice to meet you,” I said, trying to hide my disbelief.
Claire shook my hand authoritatively. “Hello, Ronny. Hope you don’t mind me joining you two evening.”
“Of course not, the more the merrier,” I lied through my teeth, my mind racing.
My head was spinning trying to understand this strange situation. I wondered whether it was a test, but then I thought she brought her mom as backup in case I was creepy. Fair enough. Today, no one can be too careful.
Claire started talking right away after we sat down.
“Ronny, where do your parents work?” She asked, staring at me like a hawk.
Cleared my throat. My mom teaches and my dad engineers. Both are retired now.”
“Interesting. Where do you live? Do you rent or own? She continued without pause.
“I stay in a small house,” I said, feeling like I was on a job interview rather than a date.
What do you do professionally? How much do you earn? Claire’s questions came quickly and become invasive.
I looked at Denise for comfort, but she smiled and nodded, obviously okay with her mom’s questioning. Great.
Cleared my throat. “I told Denise my job.”
Denise nodded and told her parents, “Ronny’s a business analyst.”
Claire nodded and looked me in the eye. “Ronny, you fit my Denise well. As you can see, we like to live well and enjoy the simple things. This requires money!”
“I guess so,” I said. I was beginning to understand, but what she said next left me speechless.
“By the way, we want lobsters.” Claire reclined and touched the menu. “Your treat, right?”
I looked at Denise, expecting her to tell her mom to back off. She smiled at me.
Wow, this wasn’t going as planned! Claire was just concerned with my money, and Denise seemed like a statue at that time.
I was almost depressed, trying to be calm. A malicious idea came to me.
If they wanted to play, why not have fun?
Smiled broadly. Yes, absolutely! Lobsters! I’m all about living well, and I see you’re here to talk about your daughter’s future with me, right ma’am?
“She likes you very much, Ronny, and I need to ensure you’ll provide her with the lifestyle she deserves,” Claire said.
Yes, I will. I make millions every month from investments my dad made for me as a kid, so money doesn’t matter…”
Claire’s eyes went wide, and Denise gasped. Keeping a straight face while telling my ridiculous lie took all my self-control.
I’ll look after Denise if we marry. She won’t work anyway because she’ll have to watch our kids. I know she’ll want her mom’s help, so I’ll purchase you a home near us.”
They seemed split between disbelief and delight. I convinced them.
“Wow, Ronny! Sounds amazing. Denise, heard that? A separate home for me!” Claire said, almost salivating.
Denise’s eyes glittered as she approached. Ronny, you’re too kind. My luck is incredible!”
I grinned, enjoying the buildup to my big announcement. Yes, absolutely. I live lavishly and care for family.”
Claire and Denise looked at each other, their minds full of luxury. Claire, now enthusiastic, planned aloud.
I’ve always wanted a beach house. Sunny with a large lawn and party space. Claire speculated, “Maybe a pool,” with enthusiasm.
Denise said, “I want a walk-in closet and a gourmet kitchen. Ronny, this is amazing!”
I nodded earnestly. “It sounds great. Of course, you must first meet my other spouses. They must approve before we can advance our relationship.”
The table environment changed instantaneously. Claire’s smile froze, and Denise gasped.
Excuse me, what did you say? Claire’s voice was now harsh and incredulous.
“Other wives?” Denise echoed, trembling.
Nodding, I was serious. “I have two more wives. Wonderful gals. Our family is large. Some kids were excessively indulged and had to be placed in foster families, but I expect you to have at least five children, so it will balance out.”
The color left their faces. Claire widened in fear, and Denise appeared to swoon.
“Five kids?” Whimpering Denise.
“This is a joke, right?” Claire stumbled, losing confidence.
Not at all. It’s quite the lifestyle,” I replied, trying not to laugh at their reactions. You’ll enjoy It.”
Nervous, Denise spoke. Why did Ronny not mention this before?
I shrugged casually. “It seemed irrelevant then. But with all this talk of houses and future plans, I believed it was vital to be honest.”
Claire’s horror became rage. This is absurd! You led us on like this—how?
Leaning back, I crossed my arms. No one was led on by me. Sharing my life. These are essential if you want to join our family.”
Claire frowned at me after seeing the bill. “Are you paying, Ronny? After all, you make millions.”
I leaned forward and grinned. “My culture values women’s strength and independence. I want to let you show off those qualities. I cannot pay for you.”
Their faces showed anger and perplexity. Claire’s fury was evident as Denise snatched her purse with shaking hands.
“You’re kidding me!” Denise emerged, her voice rising.
Not at all. You can establish your independence and strength,” I said, standing up and placing my meal money on the table. “I enjoyed meeting you both.”
I laughed as I left. I heard them scurrying to grab their stuff behind me, their frantic voices filling the once-serene café.
The chilly night air was nice. I inhaled, contemplating the night. It started as a promising first date then changed completely.
I outwitted them in an unexpected challenge, flipping their entitlement on its head. It felt nice.
It was more than beating Claire and Denise—I realized I stood up for myself. They were startled and embarrassed by my refusal to let them take advantage of me.
Turning the tables on entitled folks can work best. Denise and Claire discovered that manipulating someone for money backfires spectacularly.
It was an unforgettable first date and a lesson in self-confidence.
I smiled all the way to my car. Years would be spent telling this story. Not only was it weird and entertaining, but it reminded me of my strength and wit.
Life has a weird way of teaching us unexpected things. And that night, I learnt that the best approach to treat exploiters is to give them what they deserve.
The joy of outplaying them was worth more than a costly supper or gift.