Parveen Kaswan recently shared a video on Twitter that captures a deeply moving moment. Tragically, rather than in protest, individuals and vehicles halt traffic on a deserted road to aid grieving elephants in the video.
The video shows an elephant softly making its way toward the camera while clutching the lifeless body of a juvenile elephant in its trunk. Delicately placing the lifeless calf on the opposite side of the road, an unhappy elephant lets go of its burden. As more elephants enter the compound, they form a solemn circle around the lifeless young elephant.
The video’s uploader, Parveen Kaswan, notes that the elephant family refuses to leave the baby’s side, which causes a somber “funeral procession.” After some time has passed, they get over their grief. Yet, as a profound expression of sorrow and compassion, they do bring the lifeless calf along.
This poignant film is a powerful reminder of the deep emotional bonds elephants have and their ability to grieve the loss of their young. It offers us a glimpse into the fascinating and complex world of animal emotions. These incredible creatures serve as a reminder that we are not alone in experiencing love, empathy, and grief.