Folks, The message comes from Uncle Ted. Not only is he a huge admirer of Jason Aldean, but he has also committed to perform a duet with Jason on the most prestigious stage in the United States, which is Mar-a-Lago. And to do it in front of the most revered figure in American history. Trump, Donald John. This is going to be an incredible and patriotic event.
Uncle Ted didn’t have to wait very long before he found out that CMT and the leftist media had decided to cancel Jason Aldean’s show. The one thing that these progressives are truly afraid of is Uncle Ted Nugent, also known as the Motor City Madman. Ted has a reputation for being a vocal advocate for American ideals. He proudly embraces his national identity.
The name Ted is synonymous with quality. For example, there was the time he got drunk on drugs and threw up in his trousers to get out of serving in the military, or the time he married a 14-year-old girl so that he could legally sleep with her. Both of these things were done to avoid having to serve. Ahhhh Ted Nugent. Conservative. Christian and a loyal American. That’s our Uncle Ted in the picture.
When Ted Nugent found out about the difficulty that young Jason Aldean was going through, he decided to put his role as a rocker aside and take on the role of an uncle in order to assist the younger guy through this difficult period. Ted Nugent, as far as God is aware, will never pass up a chance to get his name mentioned in the media.
According to Ted Nugent scholar Joe Barron, he sees a lot of parallels between Jason Aldean and Ted Nugent. He is also a musician, much like Ted was. A few of weddings? Yep. Younger women? Yep. Infidelity? Check. Isn’t it strange how certain politicians revere those who have failed? Without a doubt. Does it treat people on a level lower than dog crap? The man seen above is our Uncle Ted, and Jason Aldean is a dead ringer for him.