The tragic shooting incident at Allen Premium Outlets in Texas resulted in the death of eight people and numerous injuries.
As the weekend incident’s ashes settle, we are discovering more about the victims. Continue reading to learn more about the eight victims of this horrible act of violence.
The Cho family, consisting of parents Cindy and Kyu Cho and their two boys William, 6, and James, 3, visited Allen Premium Outlets to exchange some clothing that their 6-year-old son William had received four days prior to his birthday. While on their way to the H&M store, the shooter began firing, and only William survived the attack. The two boys were attending Prestonwood Christian Academy.
Two girls who died in the incident have also been confirmed as Daniela Mendoza, 11, and Sofia Mendoza, 8. They went to Cox Elementary in Sachse, and their mother Ilda Mendoza was also shot but survived and is currently hospitalized.
Another victim was Aishwarya Thatikonda, a young Indian woman who was visiting the outlet with a friend. Although she too was shot, her friend escaped the assault. Her body is being transported back to India so her family can see her one last time and perform burial rites.
Christian LaCour, 20, was shot and killed while performing his guard duty at the facility. 32-year-old Elio Cumana-Rivas from Dallas was the final victim of the shooting.