The story of the “most beautiful twins in the world” who now have over 1.8 million followers on Instagram is quite remarkable.
Jaqi Clements, the mother of the twin daughters, told BuzzFeed that their Instagram account took off quickly after it was created.
When the twins were born, they were nicknamed “beautiful,” and by the time they were six months old, they had nearly 150,000 followers. The Daily Mail then published an article on them, which helped them gain more followers.
Now, their account has expanded to over 1.8 million followers, and it continues to grow rapidly. This past year has been exciting for Ava and Leah, as they have received gifted merchandise from brands all over the world, and have taken pictures with fans.
As a responsible mother, Jaqi ensures that her children do well in school and have fun like all kids should. Any jobs they book through Instagram are scheduled on weekends or right after school so that they do not miss any class. If they book a job through their agency, there is a teacher on set to help them with their school work.
When the girls turned seven, their mother knew that she had to sign them up with a modeling agency. “Aside from the fact that I’m a huge believer in signs and have been told by almost everyone that 7 is a lucky number, I just had a feeling that this year was going to be a fun and exciting year for them,” Jaqi said.
Every mother is blessed to have a child, but the beauty of these two little angels is simply exceptional. We hope that Ava and Leah have a happy childhood filled with games, play, and carelessness.