Heroic Pit Bull Saves Little Boy from Snake
Debunking the Misconceptions about Pit Bulls
Pit bulls are often misunderstood and associated with violence and hostility due to their reputation. However, it is essential to remember that a dog’s behavior is heavily influenced by its upbringing and treatment by its owner. Pit bulls, like any other breed, can be taught to be kind and gentle animals.
Hurley: A Brave Pit Bull
Hurley, a clever and courageous pit bull, saved a little boy from a snake. Stacie Rae English, Hurley’s owner’s sister, was so moved by the event that she shared the story on Facebook:
“My brother was walking his pit bull lab mix, Hurley, in our neighborhood field around 10 pm. He walks him this late so he can let him off his leash so he can do what he loves to do, explore all the different smells. They heard a young kid scream and before my brother knew it, Hurley took off after the scream.”
Hurley’s Swift Intervention
With Hurley’s owner close behind, they saw Hurley grab a copperhead snake away from the boy, fling it around, and kill it. The boy ran to his mother’s vehicle, and they drove off so fast that the owner was unable to gather any information about the child.
The Aftermath
The owner called animal control, and the local police arrived to inspect the scene. They found Hurley with two puncture wounds in his upper lip, bleeding, a swollen neck, and foaming at the mouth. He was taken to the animal hospital, where he stayed overnight for monitoring.
Thankfully, Hurley is now doing much better.
Stacie Rae concludes her post by stating that they later discovered the little boy had stumbled upon a copperhead nest, and Hurley’s intervention might have prevented him from being bitten or suffering multiple bites.
She hopes that Hurley’s story will change people’s perceptions of pit bulls, showing that they can be loving and, in some cases, even lifesavers.
Share this story to honor Hurley’s incredible bravery and challenge misconceptions about pit bulls.