Gracie is not afraid to show off her natural body. Her father says he is proud of her.
McGraw, who is still in awe of how quickly his daughters have grown, is inspired by how each of them is branching out and forging their own path. The joy of any parent raising children in show business is to see them grow into normal adults who respect themselves and others.
Criticized for her body
Gracie likes to document her life on Instagram, but the ones that show off her natural body tend to get the most attention. One netizen who found her photo too revealing said she didn’t get the point of “showing her body to thousands of people”.
There seems to be so much that makes young women feel bad for not achieving an unattainable goal.
Others went so far as to draw an unfair comparison between Gracie and her mother, who at 55 and three children “looks like a model”. Commenting below the candid snaps of her body, one even called the young lady “extremely unhealthy”.
But the oldest McGraw girl is comfortable in her own skin, even with stretch marks, rolls and cellulite. She captioned a mirror selfie in a two-piece swimsuit with a Norah Ephron quote, adding:
“I’ve never been comfortable in a bikini, but I got this one for $10 and I feel great.”
She seems to accept the negative comments and has plenty of fans who think she’s beautiful and relate to her authenticity. They encourage her to keep posting and ignore the haters and trolls.
Tim McGraw’s daughter defends her body
The young singer has become something of an advocate for body positivity, showing others how to love and evolve in the way they view their bodies. Speaking about how she learned to accept the parts of her body she wanted to change, Gracie said:
“I was always considered ‘unhealthy’ because I was a bit overweight, which really made me question myself more and more.” In reality I was actually a healthy person, but what was really unhealthy about me was the way I thought.
Gracie also shared her observation that clothing stores are not inclusive. Many fail to wear clothing sizes for fuller-figured women. Some employees body shame women who wear larger sizes. This discourages some from buying and undermines their confidence.
And most stores follow the trend of clothing smaller than before, so even if you don’t gain weight, you have to go up a size or two.